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[Keyword] delay fault(24hit)


  • Discrimination of a Resistive Open Using Anomaly Detection of Delay Variation Induced by Transitions on Adjacent Lines

    Hiroyuki YOTSUYANAGI  Kotaro ISE  Masaki HASHIZUME  Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  


    E100-A No:12

    Small delay caused by a resistive open is difficult to test since circuit delay varies depending on various factors such as process variations and crosstalk even in fault-free circuits. We consider the problem of discriminating a resistive open by anomaly detection using delay distributions obtained by the effect of various input signals provided to adjacent lines. We examined the circuit delay in a fault-free circuit and a faulty circuit by applying electromagnetic simulator and circuit simulator for a line structure with adjacent lines under consideration of process variations. The effectiveness of the method that discriminates a resistive open is shown for the results obtained by the simulation.

  • Power Supply Voltage Control for Eliminating Overkills and Underkills in Delay Fault Testing

    Masahiro ISHIDA  Toru NAKURA  Takashi KUSAKA  Satoshi KOMATSU  Kunihiro ASADA  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E99-C No:10

    This paper proposes a power supply voltage control technique, and demonstrates its effectiveness for eliminating the overkills and underkills due to the power supply characteristic difference between an automatic test equipment (ATE) and a practical operating environment of the DUT. The proposed method controls the static power supply voltage on the ATE system, so that the ATE can eliminate misjudges for the Pass or Fail of the DUT. The method for calculating the power supply voltage is also described. Experimental results show that the proposed method can eliminate 89% of overkills and underkills in delay fault testing with 105 real silicon devices. Limitations of the proposed method are also discussed.

  • Delay Defect Diagnosis Methodology Using Path Delay Measurements

    Eun Jung JANG  Jaeyong CHUNG  Jacob A. ABRAHAM  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E98-C No:10

    With aggressive device scaling, timing failures have become more prevalent due to manufacturing defects and process variations. When timing failure occurs, it is important to take corrective actions immediately. Therefore, an efficient and fast diagnosis method is essential. In this paper, we propose a new diagnostic method using timing information. Our method approximately estimates all the segment delays of measured paths in a design, using inequality-constrained least squares methods. Then, the proposed method ranks the possible locations of delay defects based on the difference between estimated segment delays and the expected values of segment delays. The method works well for multiple delay defects as well as single delay defects. Experiment results show that our method yields good diagnostic resolution. With the proposed method, the average first hit rank (FHR), was within 7 for single delay defect and within 8 for multiple delay defects.

  • On Achieving Capture Power Safety in At-Speed Scan-Based Logic BIST

    Akihiro TOMITA  Xiaoqing WEN  Yasuo SATO  Seiji KAJIHARA  Kohei MIYASE  Stefan HOLST  Patrick GIRARD  Mohammad TEHRANIPOOR  Laung-Terng WANG  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:10

    The applicability of at-speed scan-based logic built-in self-test (BIST) is being severely challenged by excessive capture power that may cause erroneous test responses even for good circuits. Different from conventional low-power BIST, this paper is the first to explicitly focus on achieving capture power safety with a novel and practical scheme, called capture-power-safe logic BIST (CPS-LBIST). The basic idea is to identify all possibly-erroneous test responses caused by excessive capture power and use the well-known approach of masking (bit-masking, slice-masking,vector-masking) to block them from reaching the multiple-input signature register(MISR). Experiments with large benchmark circuits and a large industrial circuit demonstrate that CPS-LBIST can achieve capture power safety with negligible impact on test quality and circuit overhead.

  • Test Generation for Delay Faults on Clock Lines under Launch-on-Capture Test Environment

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Shin-ya KOBAYASHI  Kewal K. SALUJA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E96-D No:6

    This paper deals with delay faults on clock lines assuming the launch-on-capture test. In this realistic fault model, the amount of delay at the FF driven by the faulty clock line is such that the scan shift operation can perform correctly even in the presence of a fault, but during the system clock operation, capturing functional value(s) at faulty FF(s), i.e. FF(s) driven by the clock with delay, is delayed and correct value(s) may not be captured. We developed a fault simulator that can handle such faults and using this simulator we investigate the relation between the duration of the delay and the difficulty of detecting clock delay faults in the launch-on-capture test. Next, we propose test generation methods for detecting clock delay faults that affect a single or two FFs. Experimental results for benchmark circuits are given in order to establish the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  • Improving Test Coverage by Measuring Path Delay Time Including Transmission Time of FF

    Wenpo ZHANG  Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E96-D No:5

    As technology scales to 45 nm and below, the reliability of VLSI declines due to small delay defects, which are hard to detect by functional clock frequency. To detect small delay defects, a method which measures the delay time of path in circuit under test (CUT) was proposed. However, because a large number of FFs exist in recent VLSI, the probability that the resistive defect occurs in the FFs is increased. A test method measuring path delay time including the transmission time of FFs is necessary. However, the path measured by the conventional on-chip path delay time measurement method does not include a part of a master latch. Thus, testing using the conventional measurement method cannot detect defects occurring on the part. This paper proposes an improved on-chip path delay time measurement method. Test coverage is improved by measuring the path delay time including transmission time of a master latch. The proposed method uses a duty-cycle-modified clock signal. Evaluation results show that, the proposed method improves test coverage 5.2511.28% with the same area overhead as the conventional method.

  • Analysis of Path Delay Fault Testability for Two-Rail Logic Circuits

    Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E92-A No:9

    The importance of redundant technologies for improving dependability and delay fault testability are growing. This paper presents properties of a class of redundant technologies, namely two-rail logic, and analyzes testability of path delay faults occurring on two-rail logic circuits. The paper reveals the following characteristics of two-rail logic circuits: While the number of paths in two-rail logic circuits is twice that in ordinary single-rail logic circuits, the number of robust testable path delay faults in two-rail logic circuits is twice or more that in the single-rail logic circuits. This suggests two-rail logic circuits are more testable than ordinary single-rail logic circuits. On two-rail logic circuits, there may be some robust testable path delay faults that are functional un-sensitizable for any input vectors consisting of codewords of two-rail codes, i.e. for any input vectors that can occur during fault-free operation. Even if such faults occur, the circuits are still strongly fault secure for unidirectional stuck-at faults as well as they work correctly.

  • Design for Delay Fault Testability of Dual Circuits Using Master and Slave Scan Paths

    Kentaroh KATOH  Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E92-D No:3

    This paper proposes a scan design for delay fault testability of dual circuits. In normal operation mode, each proposed scan flip flop operates as a master-slave flip flop. In test mode, the proposed scan design performs scan operation using two scan paths, namely master scan path and slave scan path. The master scan path consists of master latches and the slave scan path consists of slave latches. In the proposed scan design, arbitrary two-patterns can be set to flip flops of dual circuits. Therefore, it achieves complete fault coverage for robust and non-robust testable delay fault testing. It requires no extra latch unlike enhanced scan design. Thus the area overhead is low. The evaluation shows the test application time of the proposed scan design is 58.0% of that of the enhanced scan design, and the area overhead of the proposed scan design is 13.0% lower than that of the enhanced scan design. In addition, in testing of single circuits, it achieves complete fault coverage of robust and non-robust testable delay fault testing. It requires smaller test data volume than the enhanced scan design in testing of single circuits.

  • Design for Delay Fault Testability of 2-Rail Logic Circuits

    Kentaroh KATOH  Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E92-D No:2

    This paper presents a scan design for delay fault testability of 2-rail logic circuits. The flip flops used in the scan design are based on master-slave ones. The proposed scan design provides complete fault coverage in delay fault testing of 2-rail logic circuits. In two-pattern testing with the proposed scan design, initial vectors are set using the set-reset operation, and the scan-in operation for initial vectors is not required. Hence, the test application time is reduced to about half that of the enhanced scan design. Because the additional function is only the set-reset operation of the slave latch, the area overhead is small. The evaluation shows that the differences in the area overhead of the proposed scan design from those of the standard scan design and the enhanced scan design are 2.1 and -14.5 percent on average, respectively.

  • Test Compression for Robust Testable Path Delay Fault Testing Using Interleaving and Statistical Coding

    Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E92-D No:2

    This paper proposes a method providing efficient test compression. The proposed method is for robust testable path delay fault testing with scan design facilitating two-pattern testing. In the proposed method, test data are interleaved before test compression using statistical coding. This paper also presents test architecture for two-pattern testing using the proposed method. The proposed method is experimentally evaluated from several viewpoints such as compression rates, test application time and area overhead. For robust testable path delay fault testing on 11 out of 20 ISCAS89 benchmark circuits, the proposed method provides better compression rates than the existing methods such as Huffman coding, run-length coding, Golomb coding, frequency-directed run-length (FDR) coding and variable-length input Huffman coding (VIHC).

  • Analysis of Test Generation Complexity for Stuck-At and Path Delay Faults Based on τk-Notation

    Chia Yee OOI  Thomas CLOUQUEUR  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Complexity Theory

    E90-D No:8

    In this paper, we discuss the relationship between the test generation complexity for path delay faults (PDFs) and that for stuck-at faults (SAFs) in combinational and sequential circuits using the recently introduced τk-notation. On the other hand, we also introduce a class of cyclic sequential circuits that are easily testable, namely two-column distributive state-shiftable finite state machine realizations (2CD-SSFSM). Then, we discuss the relevant conjectures and unsolved problems related to the test generation for sequential circuits with PDFs under different clock schemes and test generation models.

  • Scan Design for Two-Pattern Test without Extra Latches

    Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E88-D No:12

    There are three well-known approaches to using scan design to apply two-pattern testing: broadside testing (functional justification), skewed-load testing and enhanced scan testing. The broadside and skewed-load testing use the standard scan design, and thus the area overheads are not high. However fault coverage is low. The enhanced scan testing uses the enhanced scan design. The design uses extra latches, and allows scan-in any two-pattern testing. While this method achieves high fault coverage, it causes high area overhead because of extra latches. This paper presents a new scan design where two-pattern testing with high fault coverage can be performed with area overhead as low as the standard scan design. The proposed scan-FFs are based on master-slave FFs. The input of each scan-FF is connected to the output of the master latch and not the slave latch of the previous FF. Every scan-FF maintains the output value during scan-shift operations.

  • On-Line Pruning of ZBDD for Path Delay Fault Coverage Calculation

    Fatih KOCAN  Mehmet H. GUNES  Atakan KURT  

    PAPER-Programmable Logic, VLSI, CAD and Layout

    E88-D No:7

    Zero-suppressed BDDs (ZBDDs) have been used in the nonenumerative path delay fault (PDF) grading of VLSI circuits. One basic and one cut-based grading algorithm are proposed to grade circuits with polynomial and exponential number of PDFs, respectively. In this article, we present a new ZBDD-based basic PDF grading algorithm to enable grading of some circuits with exponential number of PDFs without using the cut-based algorithm. The algorithm overcomes the memory overflow problems by dynamically pruning the ZBDD at run-time. This new algorithm may give exact or pessimistic coverage depending on the statuses of the pruned nodes. Furthermore, we re-assess the performance of the static variable ordering heuristics in ZBDDs for PDF coverage calculation. The proposed algorithm combined with the efficient static variable ordering heuristics can avoid ZBDD size explosion in many circuits. Experimental results for ISCAS85 benchmarks show that the proposed algorithm efficiently grades circuits.

  • On Statistical Estimation of Fault Efficiency for Path Delay Faults Based on Untestable Path Analysis

    Masayasu FUKUNAGA  Seiji KAJIHARA  Sadami TAKEOKA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E88-D No:7

    We propose a method to estimate fault efficiency of test patterns for path delay faults. In path delay fault testing, fault coverage of test patterns is usually very low, because circuits have not only a lot of paths but also a lot of untestable paths. Although fault efficiency would be better metric to evaluate test patterns rather than fault coverage, it is too difficult to compute it exactly, if we do not compute the total number of untestable paths exactly. The proposed method samples a part of paths after untestable path analysis, and estimate fault efficiency based on the percentage of untestable paths in the sample paths. Through our experimental results, we show that the proposed method can accurately estimate fault efficiency of test patterns in a reasonable time. Also, since the accuracy of fault efficiency estimated with the proposed method depends on how to sample the paths, we look into the influence of path sampling methods to the accuracy in the experiments.

  • Diagnosis of Timing Faults in Scan Chains Using Single Excitation Patterns

    James Chien-Mo LI  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E88-A No:4

    A diagnosis technique is presented to locate at least one fault in a scan chain with multiple timing faults. This diagnosis technique applies Single Excitation (SE) patterns of which only one bit can be flipped even in the presence of multiple faults. By applying the SE patterns, the problem of simulations with unknown values is eliminated. The diagnosis result is therefore deterministic, not probabilistic. Experiments on the ISCAS benchmark circuits show that the average diagnosis resolution is less than ten scan cells.

  • Delay Fault Testing of Processor Cores in Functional Mode

    Virendra SINGH  Michiko INOUE  Kewal K. SALUJA  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E88-D No:3

    This paper proposes an efficient methodology of delay fault testing of processor cores using their instruction sets. These test vectors can be applied in the functional mode of operation, hence, self-testing of processor core becomes possible for path delay fault testing. The proposed approach uses a graph theoretic model (represented as an Instruction Execution Graph) of the datapath and a finite state machine model of the controller for the elimination of functionally untestable paths at the early stage without looking into the circuit details and extraction of constraints for the paths that can potentially be tested. Parwan and DLX processors are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

  • A Design Scheme for Delay Testing of Controllers Using State Transition Information

    Tsuyoshi IWAGAKI  Satoshi OHTAKE  Hideo FUJIWARA  


    E87-A No:12

    This paper presents a non-scan design scheme to enhance delay fault testability of controllers. In this scheme, we utilize a given state transition graph (STG) to test delay faults in its synthesized controller. The original behavior of the STG is used during test application. For faults that cannot be detected by using the original behavior, we design an extra logic, called an invalid test state and transition generator, to make those faults detectable. Our scheme allows achieving short test application time and at-speed testing. We show the effectiveness of our method by experiments.

  • A Design for Testability Technique for Low Power Delay Fault Testing

    James Chien-Mo LI  


    E87-C No:4

    This paper presents a Quiet-Noisy scan technique for low power delay fault testing. The novel scan cell design provides both the quiet and noisy scan modes. The toggling of scan cell outputs is suppressed in the quiet scan mode so the power is saved. Two-pattern tests are applied in the noisy scan mode so the delay fault testing is possible. The experimental data shows that the Quiet-Noisy scan technique effectively reduces the test power to 56% of that of the regular scan. The transition fault coverage is improved by 19.7% compared to an existing toggle suppression low power technique. The presented technique requires very minimal changes in the existing MUX-scan Design For Testability (DFT) methodology and needs virtually no computation. The penalties are area overhead, speed degradation, and one extra control in test mode.

  • An Alternative Test Generation for Path Delay Faults by Using Ni-Detection Test Sets

    Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Kewal K. SALUJA  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  


    E86-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose an alternative method that does not generate a test for each path delay fault directly to generate tests for path delay faults. The proposed method generates an N-propagation test-pair set by using an Ni-detection test set for single stuck-at faults. The N-propagation test-pair set is a set of vector pairs which contains N distinct vector pairs for every transition faults at a check point. Check points consist of primary inputs and fanout branches in a circuit. We do not target the path delay faults for test generation, instead, the N-propagation test-pair set is generated for the transition (both rising and falling) faults of check points in the circuit. After generating tests, tests are simulated to determine their effectiveness for singly testable path delay faults and robust path delay faults. Results of experiments on the ISCAS'85 benchmark circuits show that the N-propagation test-pair sets obtained by our method are effective in testing path delay faults.

  • Evaluation of Delay Testing Based on Path Selection

    Masayasu FUKUNAGA  Seiji KAJIHARA  Sadami TAKEOKA  Shinichi YOSHIMURA  

    LETTER-Timing Verification and Test Generation

    E86-A No:12

    Since a logic circuit often has too many paths to test delay of all paths, it is necessary for path delay testing to limit the number of paths to be tested. The paths to be tested should have large delay because such paths more likely cause a fault. Additionally, a test set for the paths are required to detect other models of faults as many as possible. In this paper, we investigate two typical criteria of path selection for path delay testing. From our experiments, we observe that test patterns for the longest paths cannot cover many local delay defects such as transition faults.
